Look what I made, daddy!
Donkey’s years ago, when everything was sunny and happy, I
found myself investigating something called ‘Business Link’. It was the government of the day’s attempt to
provide support to businesses. You know,
businesses. Groups of people gathered
together inside legally-defined and
self-branded envelopes that get on with something and try to sell their
something for a bit more than it costs to make the something.
Apparently it would be good if there were more businesses,
or if businesses were better, or bigger, or faster or something more than they
are – were – at the moment. Helps with,
um, productivity, and jobs, and growth, stuff like that.
So let’s offer support and advice to businesses, they’re
bound to like it, and they’ll get bigger and faster and all that kind of thing
and everything will be better (even though it was already happy and sunny).
(Oh yes, I remember now: it was happy and sunny because the
Berlin Wall had recently been breached and brutal communist regimes across
Eastern Europe were tumbling like nine-pins and the Soviet Union was
collapsing. The end of the Cold
War. Before it all went tits up. That
sort of happy and sunny.)
Anyway, there were lots of problems with this kind of business support stuff, of which the more entertaining included the oxymoronic aspect that the very
people government was trying to help were also the very people that were constitutionally
most likely not to want any help (read “interference”) from government; and the
fact that the people providing the ‘help’ were (very often) utterly clueless about
It does beg the question, mind, of precisely who one means
by ‘the very people government were trying to help’. And what was meant, surprise surprise, were
the owners and managers of these businesses, the people in charge, the bosses. More especially, it meant entrepreneurs, the
people who start businesses in the first place.
(I’ve written elsewhere how I think this definition is way
too narrow – see here
– but that was that then, and this then was another then.) (Eh?)
Lots of money was spent on providing all this support and whatnot, and pretty much nothing at all happened as a result, and someone
somewhere wondered if, maybe, the reason that nothing much at all had happened
was because, maybe, all the support and help and stuff had gone to, maybe, the
wrong people.
The wrong people?
Well, let’s imagine there are two types of
entrepreneur. One type sets up their
business with the intention simply of having their own business, of having the freedom
to do their own thing, and that’s it. Let’s
call these ‘lifestyle businesses’.
The second type sets up a business with the intention of
becoming the next Richard Branson. Let’s
call these ‘growth-oriented businesses’.
If you wanted lots of productivity and growth and fasterness
and stuff like that, it would probably be a waste of time (and lots of money)
to provide help and support to the former group, no? They’re not interested in any of that kind of thing. Better, surely – and thus ran the
argument – to target your efforts at the second group. Help growth-oriented businesses with your
carefully tailored support package, and you’ll get all the growth and
investment and fasterness even more fasterly!
Logical inference from all this? We need to identify the ‘growth-oriented
And that’s where I came in.
What kind of people set up Type 1 businesses, and what sort of people
set up Type 2 businesses? What are they like?
What are their traits, their characteristics, their personalities? Are they the same as or different from the rest
of us? Are they the same as or different
from each other?
I don’t remember much about it, to be fair. It was a long time ago and, as I said, thems
were heady days of sunshine and happiness, so my mind may well have been a
little elsewhere. But I do remember a
few things.
The first one was that almost nothing was known about the
answer to this question. The whys and
wherefores of the entrepreneurial
personality were strikingly absent from the knowledge bank. Maybe it was a hangover from the corporatism
that had dominated the majority of the post-war period. Maybe it was because business schools were still
pretty new kids on the block. Maybe it
was because everyone was focused on the big and exciting things rather than all
the small stuff.
So I thought it strange, but not inexplicable.
What is inexplicable – to my mind, at least – is the conclusion
of a
paper published recently by the august National Bureau of Economic Research
in the US. The paper reports on a review
of the ‘extensive literature’ published since 2000 that investigates this very
question: what are the personality traits of entrepreneurs?
They asked a further question, too: how do those traits relate
to the performance of the businesses started by these entrepreneurs? (This is a good question, no?)
And here’s what they found out:
“There are many areas,
like how firm performance connects to entrepreneurial personality, that are
woefully understudied and ripe for major advances if the appropriate
cross-disciplinary ingredients are assembled.”
Eh? You mean – WE STILL
DON’T KNOW?! Jesus Christ. I told you it had all gone tits up.
The second thing I remember is the quiz question:
What is the main reason (cited by entrepreneurs) for
starting up a new business?
Go on, have a guess.
The answer is:
because they hated having a boss
As far as I can tell, this is still true (see here,
for example) (or, for a more in-depth and at times dense source, with the opportunity
also to challenge the basic questions used to derive their findings, try here).
Which is kind of funny, really. All those skills you might need to be a
successful entrepreneur; and having any of them is irrelevant to the initial
Anyway, the third thing I remember, and the best one, is the
finding from one research enquiry I dug up which suggested that one of the key
distinguishing factors between growth-oriented and lifestyle business entrepreneurs
was the relationship the entrepreneur had had with their father.
Well, it turned out that if your father had died when you
were young (or if he had been exceptionally distant for some reason or other)
you were much more likely to set up a growth-oriented business.
I don’t recall whether the research investigated mothers,
nor what sort of degree of distance might have been necessary to produce the
effect, but the finding resolved into a very clear conclusion in my mind: that
setting up a growth-oriented business was actually a project of lost love. You never received the love you needed as a
child; daddy had never praised you; and now, in adulthood, to prove you were
worthy of this love – this inaccessible love, this praise and affirmation that
would forever elude you – you needed to create something big, something
amazing, something that would prove you were indeed worthy of that love.
But the affirmation cannot come. And so you run faster, bigger, more. Endlessly.
Business as a psychological compensation exercise: “Daddy,
daddy, look what I made!”
It sort of makes sense.
A deep-down drive, of the kind that is surely required to propel a
business from nothing to enormity, must surely have a deep-down cause.
It is never about 'the money', really; it's about trying to feel valued.
It is never about 'the money', really; it's about trying to feel valued.
And it lends itself to a fabulous reconfiguring of the kind
of government support services intended to support businesses that want to
become bigger and fasterer and shinier:
“Hello,” the entrepreneur begins on ringing the Helpline, “I’m
ringing for some help and support with my new business.”
“Great,” replies the screen-guided operator, “you’ve come to
the right place. Now: tell me about your
As I said, everything was happier and sunnier back then.